
Friday, January 28, 2011

How to add oneself on orkut

Step 1. Open your Orkut Home page in Old version. Now look for invite friends field.

Step 2. Now enter any email id like or The email id entered wont matter. Also, be sure that the email id which you will enter is not already registered on Orkut, so enter any random email id. Now, click on add.

Step 3. Go to the My friends panel, there click on manage or just simply click here

Step 4. Now look at the top of the list. The email id to which you sent the invitation just now appears there. Click on edit to the right side of it. Now in place of that id, put your own email id and then update.

Step 5. Open your email account now, you must have a got a an email to join orkut.

Step 6. Open that email, click on Join now.

Step 7. On the very next page, click on Sign up for orkut and connect to .

Step 8. Now, the signup form will come up, but don’t go and fill up the form. Just look for this

“Your Google Account gives you access to orkut and other Google services. If you already have a Google Account, you can sign in here.”

Click on sign in here.

Step 9. Now login to Orkut using your id and password. Voila ! You will see the add friend request from your own profile.

If you try to accept it, you won’t be able to do so. To get it accepted, repeat everything from Step 1 to Step 9 and the friend request will get accepted on its own.

If you face any trouble while following the steps, write it here in the comments section. You’ll be answered soon.