
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Command Prompt(CMD) Tips

Hey friends here are some tips which you all should try atleast once on your command prompt.
First, open your Network Connection and right click and select Properties. Then Select TCP/IP and click on Properties again. Now Click on Advanced and WINS tab. Select Default for NeBIOS.

Now back to the main Local Area Connection window, select File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks and hit enter.

This is just to make sure you have NetBIOS enabled. We will have some fun with NetBIOS on CMD.

First thing you need to know is some very helpfull commands to use on CMD(Command Prompt).

In case you don’t know how to get CMD open in your box, then click on Start, then Run, then type “cmd” (no quotes, off course… you know the drill).

Back to commands:


net view
net use
net user

In case you don’t know some of them, then just type the command on CMD and hit enter. A little help will show up in your screen. Read it and understand what the command does.

Lets start easy…

1) ping: This command will allow you to know if the host you pinging is alive, which means if it is up at the time of executing the “ping” command.

ping x.x.x.x (x is the IP address)


ping ( is the website you want to ping, but you don’t know the IP)

OBS: Keep in mind that if the host you pinging is blocking ICMP packets, then the result will be host down.

2)nslookup: This command has many functionalities.
One is for resolving DNS into IP.
Lets say you know the website URL but you don’t know its IP(and you want to find out).

nslookup ( is the website you want to find out the IP)

Now, another really nice function of nslookup is to find out IP of specific Mail Severs.

nslookup (enter)
set type=mx (enter)

This command will give you the mail server IP of You can use whatever server you want and if it is listed on DNS, then you get the IP. Simple, isn’t it?

OK, now why would you want to have an IP of a mail server?
To send spoofed mail to your friends or even for SE.
In case you looking for “How to spoof email”, then look for my “How to spoof email tutorial”…p;threadid=2360

3)tracert: This command will give you the hops that a packet will travel to reach its final destination.

OBS: This command is good to know the route a packet takes before it goes to the target box.

tracert x.x.x.x (x is the IP address)


tracert ( is the website you don’t know the IP)

4)arp: This command will show you the arp table. This is good to know if someone is doing arp poisoning in your LAN.

arp -a

5)route: This command will show you the routing table, gateway, interface and metric.

route print

6)ipconfig: This command will show tons of very helpful things.
Your IP, gateway, dns in use.



ipconfig /all

this command will give all that info but for all networks you might have it.

Also, in case you have a dynamic IP and want to change it, then type…

ipconfig /release (this will release your IP)

ipconfig /renew (this will renew your iP)

OBS: Keep in mind that those commands will change your IP, but the new IP will still be tighed up to you. So don’t do anything stupid.

7)netstat:This command will show you connection to your box.



netstat -a (this will show you all the listening ports and connection with DNS names)
netstat -n (this will show you all the open connection with IP addresses)
netstat -an (this will combined both of the above)

8)nbtstat: This command will show you the netbios name of the target box.

nbtstat -A x.x.x.x (x is the IP address)

nbtstat -a computername

net view x.x.x.x or computername (will list the available sharing folders on the target box)

Now some hints:

net use \ipaddressipc$ “” /user:administrator

(this command will allow you to connect to the target box as administrator)

Now if you want to connect to the target box and browse the entire C drive, then use this command:


net use K: \computernameC$

(this will create a virtual drive on your “my computer” folder)

OBS: Keep in mind that this will only works if the target box doesn’t have an administrator password set.

And least but not last, the “help” command.

whatevercommand /help

whatevercommand /?

This command will help you to understand what it does and all the switchs available for each command.
Very useful if you know the command, but forgot the right switch.

Feel free to ask your doubts...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Check Who Used Your Pc in your absence

Hey friends today i'm going to tell you how to check who used your pc in your absence.It often haapens that people want to know that what there friends used their pc for?
It may also be benificial ofr the parents who want to keep an eye on their children in their absence.So without any further delay let me start.

Go to start > run >eventvwr.msc
Events are stored in three log files: Application, Security, and System. These logs can be reviewed and archived.For our purposes we want the System log. Click on "System" in the left-hand column for a list of events.Look for a date and time when you weren't home and your computer should have been off..Double click on the eg: info n it will show u the detail.You can also use this log to see how long someone was on the computer. Just look at the time the computer was turned on and off for that day.

Keep reading and keep your self updated...
comments n like will always be appreciated :)