
Saturday, October 22, 2011

How To Get New FB Time-Line Interface

Well friends,i know many of u by this time must be having the new FB Time-Line Feature on your profile,but i still get many of my friends request to tel them how to enable this new feature.So without wasting much time..let begin:-
Step 1:- Login to your FB account and go to the developers page:-
Step 2:- After you have reached on the developers page,allow the application to access your account(if asked),else click create a new app button.
Step 3:- Give your app display name and namespace as shown:-

Step 4:- In the next step you will be asked to enter the captcha.Enter it and click on submit.
Step 5:- In the next step you will see the details of your app(you are creating),remain them unchanged and click on save changes button.
Step 6:- Now in the left pane look at the link "open graph" and click on it.
Step 7:- You will see getting started page.Fill anything like in this image.And click on "Get Stated" Button.
Step 8:- This will take you in the action line configuration page.Change a few default settings.(i changed the past tense of read to redd-again you can see this unless you try and summit your app to public directory),click through all three pages of setings.
Step 9:- Wait for 1-2 mintues and you are done :)
Now clink on your home button and you will be asked to try "timeline" on the top of the page.

Step 9:- Now you are done :)
Just click on your profle page and you will be viewing your FB profile with the new timeline interface.

The TimeLine interface looks like this:-

I hope now everyone can use this keep reading n keep enjoying...
it will be nice of you all if u can like n follow my blog....
adioz :D


  1. but how can we delete this application. i want old versıon of my facebook. can u help me pls ??

  2. but i don't like it! i want my old layout!

  3. @emre urtimur & anonymous:- Follow the steps and your profile will be back in the old Facebook GUI.
    Step 1:

    Open this URL and click on “Edit App“.

    Step 2:

    On the left sidebar, click on “Delete App“.

    Step 3:

    Now Click on “Confirm“.

    Then Click on “Okay“.

    Your Facebook Timeline App is deleted and your profile is now back in the old Facebook Interface.
